Leadership Changes at The 5th Square

Philadelphia -

Please join me in welcoming David Curtis as the new Interim Chair of The 5th Square. As one of the four original co-founders of our PAC, David has shown an unfailingly positive attitude and leadership style we've certainly appreciated as an organization. He is formerly the organization's Treasurer, a role fellow co-founder Jake Liefer, will now take on. Both David and Jake bring passion, vision, persistence and drive to The 5th Square. I look forward to watching them lead our PAC into the future.

The 5th Square has been an incredibly important part of my story here in Philadelphia. I am sad to leave you and step down as your Chair, but the circumstances are happy. I am moving to Los Angeles to pursue a fellowship in that city's government addressing LA's homeless. This opportunity represents a unique bridge between my professional experience and my work in civic advocacy. I'll miss so many people and feel honored to have been a part of this great organization.

A fond farewell to you Philadelphia!

Geoff Kees Thompson
