Sign the Petition to Support Free Transfers
SEPTA Key has made it much easier to pay for transit, but SEPTA has refused to eliminate one of the most inconvenient and counterproductive parts of their fare policy: the $1 transfer penalty.
Last year, 5th Square and Clean Air Council led a campaign pushing SEPTA to eliminate the transfer penalty when they voted on a new fare tariff, and now PlanPhilly reports that SEPTA management is considering doing just that in response to public demand and an internal push to improve bus service.
Sign our petition to tell SEPTA to give riders a break, and stop charging an extra $1 penalty to transfer between buses, subways, and trolleys.
When SEPTA charges an extra $1.00 for transfers, that's an unfair penalty for everyone whose home isn’t on the exact transit line as their job, family, school, grocery store, or place of worship. And it costs SEPTA more to run the system this way!
One SEPTA fare should cover your whole trip. With free transfers, every SEPTA rider would have the opportunity to access the whole city, on equal footing with every other rider.
To learn more about why SEPTA should end the transfer penalty in their next fare vote, visit our Action page.