Mayor Kenney: Veto the Downzoning of Girard Ave.

We urge Mayor Kenney to veto Bill 210468 sponsored by Council President Clarke, and passed by City Council. 

Cities are growing their transit ridership and expanding housing options for people who do not own cars by facilitating dense development along transit corridors. Philadelphia shouldn’t do the opposite.

Against the recommendation of the City Planning Commission, this bill aims to downzone much of Girard Ave east of Broad Street, severely limiting economic and residential growth on one of Philadelphia’s major transit corridors.

Currently, much of this stretch is strip malls, gas stations, and parking lots -- uses that are inappropriate given its proximity to Center City and service by the 15 trolley, the Broad Street Line, and the Market-Frankford El.

We should not be limiting the number of people that can live, work, and shop along Girard Avenue.

By limiting denser buildings on Girard, the bill only pushes development pressure outwards into existing residential neighborhoods, increases car dependency and congestion, and robs our transit system of ridership.

Additionally, this bill will jeopardize the long-overdue Trolley Modernization program. If Girard Avenue is downzoned, ridership will surely continue to decrease, placing at risk federal transit grants that prioritize effectiveness.

Sign our petition today to ask Mayor Kenney to follow his Planning Commission recommendation, and veto this regressive bill.

1,000 signatures

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