Newsletter: Help collect signatures for 5th Square's candidate slate, Transit Equity Day, Vision Zero Conference 2019


Last week 5th Square announced several early endorsements for the 2019 City Council elections, including Lauren Vidas (2nd Disrict), Jamie Gauthier (3rd District), and At-Large candidates Justin DiBerardinis, Helen Gym, Adrian Rivera-Reyes, and Eryn Santamoor. Visit our 2019 Election Center to read their questionnaire responses and sign up to volunteer

Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 19th candidates will have just 3 weeks to collect over 1,000 signatures each to qualify to get on the May primary ballot by collecting

Can you help one of 5th Square's endorsed candidates collect petition signatures? This is an easy way to help a candidate you like, and takes just one or two weekend afternoons. Sign up at the bottom of our 2019 Election Center page and check "Collect Petition Signatures for Candidates" and an organizer will reach out.

Or if you're interested in doing election volunteering that's more behind-the-scenes, sign up on our Organizing Committee page or email us at [email protected].



Tuesday, February 19th, 4:00 pm
Helen Gym Reelection Campaign Launch
Council member Helen Gym is holding her reelection campaign launch event at First Unitarian Church on Tuesday at 4:00 pm. 5th Square has endorsed Council member Gym for reelection to a City Council At-Large seat. Sign up to volunteer with other 5th Square supporters to get her on the ballot

Wednesday, February 20, 7:30 p
GRASP - 2nd District City Council: Q&A and Meet-and-Greet

Hosted by Grassroots Advocacy for South Philadelphia, the first 2nd District Council forum is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20th at Guerin Rec Center, featuring 5th Square-endorsed challenger Lauren Vidas and incumbent Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson. 

Saturday, February 23rd, 1:00 pm
Transit Equity Day
Philadelphia's Transit Equity Day coalition is throwing a 180th birthday party for civil rights leader Octavius Catto, known in part for his work desegregating Philly's trolley system, to bring attention to the need for a public transit system that meets all residents' need for affordable mobility. Come sign Catto's birthday card, eat cake, discuss ways we can work together to improve transit in Philadelphia, and hear from local transit advocates and partner organizations like Clean Air Council, POWER, PA Adapt, Philadelphia Unemployment Project, Disabled in Action of Pennsylvania, 350 Philadelphia, the Bicycle Coalition, and the Sierra Club. 

Saturday, March 2nd, 10:00 am
Meet-and-Greet with Adrian Rivera-Reyes and Lauren Vidas
Meet not one, but TWO of 5th Square's endorsed City Council candidates, Adrian Rivera-Reyes and Lauren Vidas at this Saturday morning meet-and-greet in Naval Square


Mondays and Wednesdays, March 4 – April 3, 6 pm - 8 pm
Preservation Alliance: Building Philadelphia Speaker Series

The Preservation Alliance presents a 10-part series with local architects, urban planners, archaeologists, and historians exploring the political, economic, and design trends that drove Philadelphia’s development. Topics include major urban planning projects such as the Ben Franklin Parkway and Society Hill, Philadelphia's varied architectural styles, and immigrant history.

Saturday, March 16, 10:00 am
Vision Zero Conference 2019
This year's Vision Zero Conference will feature a mobile workshop/walking tour of some of the city's Vision Zero projects, breakout sessions organized around themes of planning, equity, and implementation, talks by city Managing Director Brian Abernathy, transportation expert and founder of Black Women Bike DC Veronica Davis, and Mayor Jim Kenney, and a post conference happy hour.

Saturday, March 30, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm 
TransportationCamp PHL 2019

Organized by Young Professionals in Transportation, Women’s Transportation Seminar, and Drexel University, TransportationCamp is a day filled with ideas at the intersection of transportation, technology, and urbanism. The participant-driven conference series follows the “unconference” format, lending itself to a more pertinent, thought-provoking, and active event.




Be a part of an important research study! Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Design are conducting a study related to safe mobility using state-of-the-art eye-tracking glasses. Participants will be asked to walk or cycle a short distance while wearing eye-tracking glasses (which can accommodate prescription lenses) and complete a brief survey before/after this experience. Participation is expected to take approximately 30 minutes and no compensation is offered to volunteers. Participants must be 18 years or older to be eligible to participate. Please contact Carrie Sauer to sign up at [email protected]

The City released a Call for Artists/RFQ for a Percent for Art project at the Philadelphia Public Services Building at 400 N Broad Street

The City's Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, & Sustainability (OTIS) runs the Philly Free Streets initiative and put out an RFP for businesses to help expand the program.

Community Design Collaborative is hiring an Evaluation and Engagement Manager and an Economic Development Program Manager

Azavea is hiring an Operations Engineer

Urban Land Institute - Philadelphia is hiring a Manager

Philadelphia's Parks and Recreation is seeking a community engagement manager

University City Science Center is hiring a Development Manager

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission is seeking Planner/Research Analyst, Transportation Planner for Freight and Aviation Programs, and a Traffic Counting Technician.

PA State Senator Art Haywood, based in Mt. Airy and Abington, is seeking a District Represenative

NV5 consultants is seeking an Active Transportation Civil Engineer

The Pew Charitable Trusts is hiring a Coordinator for its Philadelphia Program

WHYY's PlanPhilly is looking to hire a reporter providing daily coverage of Philadelphia's planning and development news

The City of Philadelphia opened its application period for Recreation Leader Trainee

The J.M.K. Innovation Prize seeks non-profit and mission-driven for-profit organizations who are spearheading early-stage projects in the fields of the environment, heritage conservation, and social justice. In 2019, J.M.K. will award up to ten Prizes, each including a cash award of $150,000 over three years, plus $25,000 for project expenses, for a total award of $175,000.

CityWide Stories is seeking writers, photographers, and a social media coordinator (part time).

5th Square is Philadelphia's urbanist political action committee.
 We're an all-volunteer grassroots organization advocating for safe and affordable transportation, abundant housing, and more and better public spaces. You’re receiving this email if you signed up via our website, attended one of our events, or supported one of our advocacy campaigns. Support our advocacy with a recurring monthly contribution of $5.