Pedestrian priority is under threat in the iconic Italian Market, if Midwood Investment gets its way.
Will you sign the petition opposing driveways in the 9th Street Market?
On Tuesday, April 2nd, the Philadelphia City Planning Commission reviewed designs for the long-vacant parcel at 9th and Washington. Midwood Investment plans a 6-story mixed use building to include 2 driveways on 9th Street, undermining the pedestrian fabric of the 100-year old market.
Incredibly, Mayor Kenney's Planning Commission members and Street Department employees are strongly supporting the 9th Street driveway and are opposed to moving it to Washington Avenue.
Why is this a bad idea?
South 9th Street currently enjoys uninterrupted sidewalks, without a single curb cut from Wharton to Christian. This otherwise handsome project badly mauls the streetscape on 9th Street, inexplicably citing its parking and loading access along the Market's commercial corridor. Rather than using the vehicle-centric Washington Avenue, the Midwood project would set a dangerous precedent and threaten any hopes of bolstering the pedestrian corridor.
The project went to its first required Civic Design Review meeting before the Planning Commission on April 2nd, and was continued, so it'll be back for another meeting a month from then.
We need volunteers to contact Councilmember Mark Squilla and (politely!) ask him to do whatever he can to get the curb cut moved to Washington Avenue.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (215) 686-3458
We'll follow up with petition signers about the next Civic Design Review meeting date, and any actions to take in the meantime.
Please sign and share the petition to help alert more neighbors!