Stand up to Big Litter in Harrisburg


Plastic bags are one of the biggest sources of litter on our streets and in our rivers, and local officials need more tools to reduce plastic bag litter, not fewer. But state lawmakers are rushing through a bill that's expected to pass that would make it harder for cities to reign in plastic bag waste and keep their streets clean.

Bill HB 1280 would ban local governments from passing plastic bag fees, which have been proven to reduce plastic bag litter while raising money for local services. 

Sign this petition to tell state lawmakers to vote NO on HB 1280.

We’ll be up front. We like the idea of a plastic bag fee, and we have some advocacy planned around trying to introduce one in Philadelphia next spring.

Whether or not you agree with us about the desirability of a plastic bag fee as an anti-litter measure, this is a debate that Philadelphians deserve to have with each other, and not with grandstanding legislators from upstate who want to stick it to the Big City.  We think it should be up to us, as Philadelphians and as Pennsylvanians, to clean up our own mess.

Anyone who votes for this bill is voting to keep Philly's streets and parks filled with litter, plain and simple. 

If you agree, sign and share this petition on Facebook.