City Council - Streets & Services Committee

Join 5th Square Organizers & Volunteers as we give public testimony at the Committee on Streets and Services - Friday, May 10th at 1:00 PM

Come join us in advocating in support for bills:

  • 240331: a bill that will allow restaurants to expand their streetery to neighboring properties.
    • From Broad and Market's City Hall Roll Call:
      Currently, restaurants are entitled only to take up the right-of-way for the street in front of their building. Under the proposed amendment, restaurants would have the option of expanding into the right-of-way “abutting the adjacent property to that restaurant.” For many small restaurants throughout the city, there is not enough restaurant frontage to make a streetery worthwhile. Even where the neighboring property is supportive, the current scheme does not allow the restaurant to expand beyond its frontage footprint. While it is unclear whether further reforms are planned, this bill is a great first step in reviving Philadelphia’s outdoor dining scene.

  • 240335: A bill reforming the current Residential Parking Permit system

    • Caps the maximum number of vehicles for residence at 3
    • Sets a new permit application fee at $75
    • Allow for price increases to this fee in line with inflation
    • Grant the Philadelphia Parking Authority the ability to increase the permit application fee by regulation, rather than requiring a Council ordinance

Sign up here and we can send you talking points as the day approaches.

  • Testimony is better if it's written beforehand, and resonates more if you can give a personal story with it
  • Comments are typically limited to 2-minutes (300 words)

Will you come?