Tell PennDOT that you support a protected bicycle path for both sides of the Grays Ferry Bridge.
The Grays Ferry Bridge is currently undergoing a $13.3 million rehabilitation project led by PennDOT. This project currently includes a protected bicycle/pedestrian multi-use path on the eastbound side, but has an unprotected, buffered (paint-only) bicycle lane on the westbound side.
Let PennDOT know that people using bicycles need a physical barrier on the westbound side to protect them from the cars that speed along this route. This is a request that the City has been also been asking for, but has yet to be fulfilled.
Adding a protected barrier will have no impact on automobile travel lanes, but will make the road safer for people on bicycles.
The Grays Ferry Bridge is an important link for West, Southwest, and South Philly residents, directly connecting the neighborhoods of Kingsessing with Grays Ferry. It is also a vital connector for many in Southwest and West Philly to the Grays Ferry Crescent, slated to become part of the larger Schuylkill River Trail.
This project is currently in its construction phase, with completion targeted for late 2020. It is not too late for PennDOT to incorporate this change!
Sign this petition today to let PennDOT know that we need a protected bike path for both sides of this vital connector and share this petition on social media.
Please also tell PennDOT directly that you would like a protected bicycle lane on the westbound side using their Grays Ferry Bridge Project web contact form.
This petition is a joint-effort between the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP) and 5th Square.