May 2024 Meetup

Join 5th Square organizers and volunteers for an informal, in-person meet-up over at Resurrection Philadelphia’s Annex!  This is an indoor/outdoor, family-friendly event.

We will be welcoming Councilmember At Large, Rue Landau, who will update us on her incredible work towards making it easier for small restaurants to offer streetside dining options citywide.

Light Refreshments / Pizza served with a $5 suggested donation.

These meet-ups are casual social gatherings, and are intended as a fun way for new and existing supporters to connect with other people involved with 5th Square and urbanist issues in Philadelphia, either professionally or in a volunteer/activist capacity, and learn more about what our all-volunteer organization is up to. If you've been meaning to check out one of our events or meetings but haven't made it out yet, this will be a good first one to come to. And please bring a friend or two!


  • Accessible via SEPTA trolleys 11, 13, 34, and 36
  • SEPTA bus routes 30 and 42.

Will you come?