5th Square, Philly's urbanist PAC and advocacy organization, hosts a regular monthly meet-up on the second Thursday of each month as a way to connect our volunteers, supporters, and new people interested in getting involved.
At our October meet-up, we'll be upstairs at Buffalo Billiards, and will be welcoming City Council at-Large Candidates Kendra Brooks and Nic O'Rourke from the Working Families Party and Independent candidate Joe Cox. We will also be welcoming Third-Party Candidate Sherrie Cohen at this event.
Guests are on a tight schedule and will begin speaking right at 6pm, so make sure to come a little early!
These meet-ups are casual social gatherings, and are intended as a fun way for new and existing supporters to connect with other people involved with 5th Square and urbanist issues in Philadelphia, either professionally or in a volunteer/activist capacity, and learn more about what our all-volunteer organization is up to. If you've been meaning to check out one of our events or meetings but haven't made it out yet, this will be a good first one to come to. And please bring a friend or two!
Is there someone you'd like to hear from as a guest speaker in the future. Email us to suggest possible speakers or topics at [email protected]
October 10, 2019 at 6:00pm – 8pm
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Buffalo Billiards, Upstairs
118 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States
Google map and directions - 24 people are going