September Monthly Meet-up, with special guest, Lily Bernheimer, author of “The Shaping of Us: How Everyday Spaces Structure Our Lives, Behaviour, and Well-Being”

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5th Square, Philly's urbanist PAC and advocacy organization, is hosting a regular monthly meet-up on the second Thursday of each month, and our September 12th meet-up will be from 6-8 pm.

For this meeting, we will be in Old City, upstairs at Buffalo Billiards.

We’ll be joined by special guest Lily Bernheimer, author of The Shaping of Us: How Everyday Spaces Structure Our Lives, Behaviour, and Well-Being.”

Come for a short book talk and Q&A, meet other 5th Square members and volunteers, and learn more about what we’re working on this fall and how to get involved.

This will be a casual social gathering, so if you've been meaning to check out one of our events or meetings but haven't made it out yet, this will be a good first one to come to. And please bring a friend or two!

We're hoping these monthly meet-ups will become a fun way for new and existing supporters to connect with other people involved with 5th Square and urbanist issues in Philadelphia, either professionally or in a volunteer/activist capacity, and learn more about what our all-volunteer organization is up to. In the future, we'll also continue inviting some guest speakers to come discuss their work with the group. Suggest possible speakers to us at [email protected].



Camille Boggan Missy Van Slett Darryl Murphy Mike Lamond Carly Cumens Will Tung Alex Davis Olivia Walling Staci Weiss Michael Schill Claire Jaffe Stephanie Browne Jeff Maki Emily Kennedy

Will you come?