Support Market/JFK Bike Lanes at LSNA Meeting

At their next board meeting, the Logan Square Neighborhood Association will be voting on whether or not to recommend that the Market/JFK Vision Zero Pilot Project become a permanent fixture of our city. Members from Councilman Clarke's office and oTIS will be there. We would like you to attend to verbalize support for this project to make this vital piece of infrastructure permanent, especially if you live or work within LSNA's boundaries (Center City north of Market Street and west of Broad Street).

The project has made both JFK blvd. and Market st. safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers alike, through providing protected bike lanes and shortened pedestrian crossing distances.  It has also not visibly affected vehicular traffic conditions on these streets. We would love to see these improvements made permanent and eventually extended to create a true protected bicycle network to serve those who live and work in Center City. It's removal would be a true setback for Philadelphia's Vision Zero efforts.

Please come out to this meeting to help us advocate for its continued existence.

Alexandra San Roman Will Tung Christina Gosnell Benjamin Duffy Fred Rothman

Will you come?