Interested in volunteering with 5th Square, and helping us build Philly's urbanist political movement?
We've got big dreams for 2018 and beyond, but we need more people to help us carry them out, so we're looking to grow our team.
On March 13th, come grab a beer with the 5th Square team and our current volunteers and learn more about our ongoing campaigns, and the things we'd like to do if we had more helping hands. We're also open to pitches on the projects and campaigns you'd like to take on under our umbrella, no matter how big or small.
Our team has room for everyone, from experienced activists and organizers, to energetic newcomers looking to learn more about city government or urbanism politics.
Note: Buffalo Billiards's upstairs space is wheelchair accessible.
March 13, 2018 at 5:30pm – 7pm
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Buffalo Billiards
118 Chestnut St (Upstairs)
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States
Google map and directions - 33 people are going