Google Images: Roosevelt Boulevard
Call your State Senator TODAY to support SB172, authorizing a speed camera pilot on Roosevelt Boulevard, one of America's most notoriously dangerous roads.
URGENT: We need Vision Zero supporters to call their state Senators and ask them to vote YES on SB172 as a whole. This is a key piece of state-level Vision Zero legislation which would legalize pilot programs for speed enforcement cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard and in construction work zones. The bill passed the House,m, and will soon be voted on in the Senate, where we need to do some last-minute rallying of the Philadelphia delegation to get them behind the bill. Callers have noted that Senator John Sabatina, in particular, won't commit to vote for the bill yet, so everyone could use another push.
Christine M. Tartaglione (D): (717) 787-1141
John P. Sabatina Jr. (D): (717) 787-9608
Lawrence M. Farnese Jr. (D): (717) 787-5662
Sharif Street (D): (717) 787-6735
Anthony H. Williams (D): (717) 787-5970
Art Haywood (D): (717) 787-1427
Vincent J. Hughes (D): (717) 787-7112
Phone calls always work best, but you can also email your Senator using the Bicycle Coalition's email tools.
Tuesday, June 19th, 3:00 pm
Vision Zero Hearing in City Council
The Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems will discuss all aspects of the Vision Zero Action Plan, including its goals, and give City Council a progress report, including next steps for the city. Come out to City Council on Tuesday and testify on why this initiative is so important for all of our safety, and deserves Councilmembers' full backing.
Tuesday, June 19th, 7:30 pm
Pentridge Station Beer Garden Meeting
The Pentridge Station Beer Garden goes before Cedar Park Neighbors seeking community support to operate for the 2018 season.
Thursday, June 21, 10:00 am
'Good Cause' Final Vote in Council
Join Philadelphia for a Good Cause and the Philadelphia Tenants Union on Thursday, June 21st to demand that City Council take a final vote for Good Cause tenant rights legislation before they leave for summer recess. Read our blog post about Good Cause and why this legislation is an essential first step to ensuring housing security for Philly renters.
Thursday, June 21, 5:30 pm
National Street Service Shareback
The National Street Service will showcase and celebrate the work National Street Service Volunteers completed this spring. Thirty volunteers worked across the city to change the way we talk about our streets and public spaces, and NSS will be sharing what they did. Be a part of the discussion on how we can move forward together to make Philadelphia streets a better place for everyone.
Thursday, June 21, 5:30 pm
Urban Geek Drinks at the Trestle Inn
Urban Geek Drinks, the monthly happy hour for civic activists, is holding their June meet-up at Trestle Inn, next to the newly opened Rail Park. Grab a drink and go for a walk on the new Park in shifts with other attendees.
5th Square is selling a limited run artist series t-shirt, featuring an original illustration by Kate Otte. Proceeds from sales will go to fund our 2019 political activities for City Council races. You can get a shirt at half price ($10 instead of $20) if you become a member, and sign up for a $5 recurring monthly donation.
The Philadelphia Citizen ran a colorful feature on Stuart Leon, Philadelphia’s bicycle crash attorney, and broke the news that he's suing to overturn City Council 's 2012 ordinance requiring Council support for safer street design changes. This law has been an absolute disaster for the cause of safer streets in Philadelphia, and overturning it will be one of our top asks of 2019 Council candidates seeking our endorsement. Read the Bicycle Coalition's blog post about the lawsuit.
Lansdale municipal leaders and commercial developers are working toward a transit-oriented development (TOD) future for the area around their Regional Rail station, reports Jason Laughlin, with zoning changes to promote a mix of walkable housing and commercial uses, as opposed to Park 'n' Rides.
The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation's plan for a new bicycle trail along Delaware Ave “was met with general assent” according to PlanPhilly.
The Vision Zero Network is hiring a Policy and Communications Director
PIDC is hiring a Director for Navy Yard Leasing and Business Development
Mt. Vernon Manor CDC is hiring a Community Development Associate
Bartram’s Garden is hiring a Director of Finance
Fairmount CDC is hiring an Executive Director
The Philadelphia Discovery Center (Audubon Society) is hiring an Education Manager
5th Square is Philadelphia's urbanist political action committee. We're an all-volunteer grassroots organization advocating for safe and affordable transportation, abundant housing, and more and better public spaces. You’re receiving this email if you signed up via our website, attended one of our events, or supported one of our advocacy campaigns. Our work is made possible by generous, passionate people like you. Support our advocacy with a recurring monthly contribution of $5 or more.