Meet the Committee Person Candidates: Gregory Yorgey-Girdy for 48-8


Gregory Yorgey-Girdy for Democratic Committee Person in Ward 48, 8th Division (Point Breeze)


(Division 48-8)

1. What street in your neighborhood is most in need of improved conditions for pedestrians and people on bikes? What would you do as committeeperson to make it better?

I live on Snyder Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets, which is the main street within my district.  Unfortunately, Snyder Avenue is often littered with trash, visually unappealing, and not an inviting space for residents and visitors to experience the rich history and uniqueness of South Philly.  As a Committee Person, I would advocate to bury street utility lines, plant trees and add street furniture.  I would also advocate for a pedestrian-friendly lighting.  Furthermore, I would also push for the City to invest in street cleaning within the entire City on a regular basis.

2. What street, public space, or building in your neighborhood has the best urbanism? What makes this space successful, however you define that?

My district needs work, but I would say Snyder Avenue is the best example of urbanism with its attempt to provide bicycle lanes.  The bicycle lanes are heavily utilized; however, they can also be dangerous for cyclist and people existing their cars.  I hope to meet with local leaders to come up with an innovative strategy to focus on walking and biking as the primary modes to experience our area.

3. How would you use this neighborhood leadership position to advance urbanist political causes in Philadelphia?

I truly believe I can use this leadership position to advocate for urban farming, anti-car activism, and environmental justice.  I want to push to make streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists, improve public transit, and commit to cutting down inner-city air pollution.  As a Committee Person, it is my duty to build a trusting relationship with the community in order to achieve these goals.

Visit our blog for more candidate Q&A's and our map of the 100+ urbanist candidates on the ballot for committee person.