HEY PHILLY VOTERS! Still haven't voted yet? This thread will list all the options you have to vote, from now until 8PM on Election Day (which is Tuesday)!
At *any time* before 8PM on Tuesday, ballots can be turned in by the voter at drop-off boxes at two locations:
1) On the south side of City Hall, near the McKinley statue
2) Outside the City Commissioners' office at Delaware Ave. and Spring Garden
The boxes look like this:
On *Tuesday*, Election Day, there will be ballot drop off locations in each council district , 7AM-8PM, in addition to the drop-off boxes
What if you're not voting by mail? Your polling place will probably be different from the usual one. Check your current polling place here (remember to wear a mask and leave lots of time, polls are open 7am-8pm): https://www.philadelphiavotes.com/index.php?option=com_voterapp&tmpl=component
The ballot is a bit long this election, so you might want to check up on your sample ballot before you leave to vote in person: https://www.philadelphiavotes.com/index.php?option=com_voterapp&tmpl=component#ballots
If you requested a mail-in ballot but haven't received one, or if your ballot gets damaged or lost, you can vote in person using a provisional ballot at your polling place. Just let the pollworkers know.
The mail-in deadline is EXTENDED ONE WEEK! That means mail-in ballots must be received by 8pm on *June 9* to count!