Meet the Committee Person Candidates: Marion Blow (2-15)


Marion Blow for Democratic Committee Person in Ward 2, Division 15

Bio: Marion and her husband have lived in the Queen Village section of Philadelphia for nearly six years. Marion’s professional background has included over 30 years as a CPA serving in senior level finance roles within the Philadelphia area banking industry. Now retired, Marion has been expanding her community participation through her volunteer work, service to local nonprofit groups and commitment to contributing to the progress and promise of the Queen Village community.

(Ward 2, Division 15)

1. What street in your neighborhood is most in need of improved conditions for pedestrians and people on bikes? What would you do as committeeperson to make it better?

Ward 02, Division 15 includes a several-block stretch of Christian St., a heavily traveled, two-way street with no bike lane. The intersection at Front and Christian is particularly dangerous to pedestrians due to the lack of adequate vehicle stops at stop signs.

2. What street, public space, or building in your neighborhood has the best urbanism? What makes this space successful, however you define that?

Mario Lanza park is a small, well-kept park located on the 200 block between Queen and Catherine Streets. The inclusion of a dog park section and the efforts of the Friends of Mario Lanza Park have made this beautiful space a popular place for family-oriented events.

3. How would you use this neighborhood leadership position to advance urbanist political causes in Philadelphia?

I believe it will be critical to establish a partnership with existing community organizations.

Visit our blog for more candidate Q&A's and our map of the 100+ urbanist candidates on the ballot for committee person.