Steph Davis for Democratic Committee Person, Ward 39, Division 10 (Lower Moyamensing)
Bio: Stephanie Davis is running in the 10th division of the 39th ward in Southeast Philadelphia. As a co-founder of Grassroots Advocacy for South Philadelphia, she connects community members with candidates and representatives working for the district. Full reliance on SEPTA, a bicycle, and her own two feet make 5th Square a natural fit while she works to promote access for Philadelphians to safe, effective transit as well as political leadership.
(Division 39-10)
1. What street in your neighborhood is most in need of improved conditions for pedestrians and people on bikes? What would you do as committeeperson to make it better?
Lower Moyamensing is the most difficult to navigate for pedestrians at the moment. Access points of marked intersections are perpetually blocked and unclear. As a committee-person I will work to inform my division's voters on how we can effect decision making on road work and infrastructure. In particular, I hope to hold our council-members responsible for their decisions and lack of action regarding street safety.
2. What street, public space, or building in your neighborhood has the best urbanism? What makes this space successful, however you define that?
Because people take advantage of it, Mifflin Square works best as a public space for our community, and improvements are in the works. The consultants working on the redesign, spoke with as many community members as possible over the course of a year to develop a draft concept for the future of our park. Current use was kept in mind while trying to optimize the needs of community members. Good urbanism requires community involvement at every stage in the lifespan of a public space.
3. How would you use this neighborhood leadership position to advance urbanist political causes in Philadelphia?
Political causes move forward when we find our friends and make sure they show up. I will work to empower my neighbors to be a part of the process as we make our streets safer, and community spaces more productive with human-friendly design. With Grassroots Advocacy for South Philadelphia, I will continue the work of connecting community members with candidates and representatives that impact our city and its future.
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