Tell PennDOT: NO highway expansion in Philly!

Tell PennDOT that there should be no highway expansion or new interchange between the Walt Whitman Bridge and Broad St, and that we should instead create more walkable and bikeable streets, and expand public transit (eg the BSL Navy Yard Extension).

Survey closes Thursday, October 20th, 2023

PennDOT is undertaking a study of changes to I-95 through South Philly. Although PennDOT’s stated goals include improving safety and relieving congestion, all of their proposed changes involve highway and ramp widenings through the heart of our city, which will increase traffic volume, pollution, and traffic deaths, and undermine sustainable modes of transportation like walking, biking, and public transit.

  1. Click here to go to the study page. You will see a page like below. Click Enter.

  2. Click “Survey” toward the bottom of the page.

  3. You should now see the survey. There will be a box like the one below. Please write something like "No highway expansion or interchange between Walt Whitman Bridge and Broad St. Create more walkable and bikeable streets, and support public transit expansion like the BSL Navy Yard Extension".


You can also leave feedback on each change PennDOT is proposing. Here’s how:

  1. Go back to the home page for the study.

  2. Click and drag in the virtual room so that you turn left, and see the following:

  3. You can now click on each of “Broad Street Interchange”, “Walt Whitman Interchange”, and “Penn’s Landing”. For each of these, carry out the following steps:

    1. When you do so, you will be asked to enter your zipcode. After doing so, you should see an option for “Feedback on design concepts”. Click on this and you will see the following:

    2. Do not complete this page and hit submit yet. Instead, press previous. You should now see a page like this:

    3. For “which concept best addresses the challenges”, please select “none of these”. In the textbox, Please provide feedback along the lines of:

      All of the plans involve highway and/or onramp expansion. Highways through our cities is the biggest urban planning mistake of the last 100 years, and we should not double-down on it. This will only further destroy communities, and increase (not decrease!) traffic volume, pollution, and traffic deaths. We should instead be creating more walkable and bikeable streets, and support public transit expansion like the BSL-Navy Yard extension.

    4. You can now hit ‘next’, to go to the page with four text boxes, one for the low, medium, and high options, and one for general comments. Please provide feedback along the lines of:

      All of the plans involve highway and/or onramp expansion. Highways through our cities is the biggest urban planning mistake of the last 100 years, and we should not double-down on it. This will only further destroy communities, and increase (not decrease!) traffic volume, pollution, and traffic deaths. We should instead be creating more walkable and bikeable streets, and support public transit expansion like the BSL-Navy Yard extension.