5th Square will be hosting a series of book club discussions to promote an ongoing discussion around racial justice in our community. Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman will lead a conversation on the first book we're reading together, "Clean and White," about the history of environmental racism in the United States. We'll be restarting our regular monthly meetings this summer, and are excited to broaden the conversation with these book club discussions as well.
This discussion is open to the public and part of a larger series of actions by the 5th Square team to promote anti-racism within our organization, to reckon with our internal shortcomings, and to scrutinize the blind spots in our advocacy.
If you have trouble finding or are unable to afford this book, please reach out to us so we can help.
July 29, 2020 at 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Add this event to your Google Calendar - Online and Dial-In Zoom Meeting - RSVP for Login Info
- 14 people are going