ACTION: Reject Tax Cuts for Parking Execs

Tell Council to support transit passes for low-income residents, not giveaways to parking executives

As part of budget negotiations currently underway, City Council is considering whether or not to give away $130 million of our federal stimulus money to parking garage owners by dramatically slashing the parking industry tax.

At a time when Philadelphia is facing unprecedented challenges, the City should not send $130 million to parking lot tycoons and suburban motorists. $130 million is enough to fund a low-income fare program to provide half-price transit for every Philadelphian with an ACCESS card. Instead of giving away money to an industry that pollutes, congests and endangers our city, we should be advancing our region by easing the green mobility of our most vulnerable residents.

Send a message to Council to vote ‘NO’ to this regressive bill (#210442) at their meeting on Tuesday, June 8th.

#1 - Sign our petition and we will keep you up to date on this bill.

#2 - Email at-large councilmembers to vote ‘NO’ to bill #210442Be sure to include your name and address at the bottom of the email.

Also send an email to your district councilmember, select their name to send them a pre-filled email: [Find Your Council Member]