Press Release: SEPTA’s Wayfinding Master Plan is a Long-Overdue Improvement for Riders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, September 8, 2021 PHILADELPHIA β€” 5th Square congratulates SEPTA on the release of its Wayfinding Master Plan and eagerly awaits its implementation in the coming years on rail transit lines. Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸš‡ Meet SEPTA Metro / πŸ—ΊοΈ Germantown's Proposed Rezoning / 🍻 Our Sept Meet-Up

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 156 πŸš‡ MEET SEPTA METRO SEPTA just unveiled their proposed wayfinding design for our region's rail transit network! We LOVE this new design that simplifies and unifies the Subway, El, Trolleys, and NHSL into a seamless network. Continue reading

Newsletter: 🚍 Bus-Only Lanes Finally Here! / πŸšͺ How the US Made Affordable Homes Illegal / πŸ›£οΈ MLK Drive Radio Hour

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 155 πŸšͺ HOW THE US MADE AFFORDABLE HOMES ILLEGAL The folks at VOX created a great video explaining the nationwide housing shortage and how cities across the US, including Philadelphia, have made it illegal to build more affordable homes. Continue reading

Newsletter: 🚌 PA Turnpike Makes Last $450M Transit Payment / πŸ›£οΈ Washington Ave Safety Delays / πŸš‰ A Tale of Two Transit Systems / 🎸 A Tune for SEPTA

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 154 🚌 TRANSIT FOR ALL PA! PLATFORM Pennsylvania’s transit services could see major cuts next year, and it’s not about Coronavirusβ€”it’s our legislature! Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ”Š Better Buses Survey / πŸ›£οΈ Last Day for Walnut & Chestnut / πŸ”½ Girard Petition Reaches 800

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 153 πŸ”Š YOUR VOICE FOR BETTER BUSES Take Transit Forward Philadelphia's 5-minute bus network survey and you will be entered into a raffle to receive a $50 VISA gift card! Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ”½ Mayor Kenney, Veto the Downzoning of Girard Ave / πŸ’³SEPTA Key 2.0 / 🌞 Our Harrisburg Transit Funding Rally

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 152 πŸ”½ VETO THE DOWNZONING OF GIRARD AVE Almost 500 petition signers are urging Mayor Kenney to veto Council President Clarke's bill that aims to downzone much of Girard Avenue east of Broad St. Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸš‚ Transit Rally In Harrisburg / πŸ›£οΈ Road Safety for Walnut & Chestnut / πŸ“ˆ SEPTA need to grow ridership / πŸ’„ Penn Center's Makeover

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 151 πŸš‚ JOIN US IN HARRISBURG - FIGHT FOR TRANSIT FUNDING Join 5th Sq and statewide partners for a RALLY in Harrisburg - NEXT TUESDAY 6/29, to fight for PA transit funding. Continue reading

Newsletter: ✨ WIN: Parking Tax Cut Rejected! / πŸ›£οΈ Bike Lanes for Walnut & Chestnut / πŸš‚ Fight for Transit Funding In Harrisburg

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 150 ✨ WIN: PARKING TAX CUT REJECTED! WHYY and The Inquirer are reporting that City Council is dropping their plan to cut the parking tax! This is an incredible win! Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ’Έ Reject Cuts to the Parking Tax / πŸ–ΌοΈ Ben Franklin Pkwy Revamp / 🏘️ Affordable Units Approved for West Philly

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 149 ACTIONπŸ’Έ REJECT THE PARKING TAX CUT Tell Council to support transit passes for low-income residents, not giveaways to parking executives Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸš‹ A Setback for Trolleys / πŸ›£οΈ The Return of Cars / πŸš‚ Reforming Commuter Rail

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 148 5TH SQUARE IN THE NEWSπŸš‹ A SETBACK FOR TROLLEY MOD Tom Fitzgerald of the Inquirer wrote about how Amazon outbid SEPTA for land in Southwest Philly originally envisioned for a trolley maintenance yard -- and the lasting impacts this may have on modernizing our trolley fleet. Continue reading

🚧 More Safety Improvements for Cobbs Creek Parkway! 🚧

Thank you very much forΒ being one of over 650 friends and neighbors who signed our petition calling for a safer Cobbs Creek Parkway. To share some promising news, the City of Philadelphia has requested $800,000 in funding from the federal government for safety improvements at key pedestrian crossings at Cobbs Creek Parkway. Continue reading

Testimony for SEPTA's FY2022 Capital Budget

5th Square members and volunteers came to SEPTA's Capital Budget hearings today to advocate for Trolley Modernization Subway Station Accessibility Expansion of Trolleybuses Bicycle Amenities at stations Here is the spoken testimony delivered at the virtual public meeting today by 5th Square members and volunteers. This is in addition to a letter delivered by the Transit Forward Philadelphia to SEPTA with comments on the proposed operating and capital budgets. Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸš‹ Speak Out for Trolleys / πŸ…ΏοΈ Cutting the Parking Tax is a Bad Idea / πŸŒ‡ Defending Affordable Units

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 147 πŸš‹ SPEAK OUT FOR TROLLEYS! We are looking for speakers who would like to give short (2 minutes max) testimonials emphasizing the importance of clean, safe, accessible, and frequent trolley service. Personal stories are a plus! Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ—³οΈ Election Day Next Tuesday / πŸŒ‡ In Defense of Affordable Housing / 🏞️ Keep MLK Open for People

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 146 πŸ—³οΈ PRIMARY ELECTION DAY INFO The primary election is NEXT TUESDAY, May 18, 2021. Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ‘• Fresh Shirt Offer / 🌳 Rally for Livable Communities / πŸ—³οΈ Primary Election Info / 🍽️ Streeteries & Accessibility

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 145 πŸ‘• SHOW OFF YOUR URBANIST CRED WITH OUR NEW T-SHIRT! Show your support for better city planning, transit, bike lanes and housing with our new T-Shirt designed by Philly-based artist Miriam Singer! Continue reading

Press Release: SEPTA FY 2022 Capital Budget

5th Square is providing the following press release in reaction to the newly-released SEPTA FY 2022-2033 Capital Budget.Β  Β  Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸ›οΈ Our Budget Priorities for a More Livable City | πŸ‘• Membership Bonus Offer | πŸ”« Firearm Policy Event Tomorrow | 🚏 The Worst Bus Stop

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 144 πŸ›οΈ ACTION: SUPPORT OUR BUDGET PRIORITIES FOR SAFETY, HEALTH & MOBILITY Last week, Mayor Kenney delivered his annual budget address to City Council and 5th Square is excited to see many of our top priorities in the Mayor's proposal. Continue reading

Newsletter: πŸš‹ Help Save Our Trolleys | πŸŒ‰ Biden's Infrastructure Plan & Philly | β›½ Revising The Gas Tax

Weekly Newsletter, Issue 143 πŸš‹ ACTION: HELP SAVE OUR TROLLEY SERVICE SEPTA’s purchase of the site at 6901 Elmwood Avenue would grow access to jobs, drive economic development, and reduce car reliance throughout the region. We need your help to make this happen Continue reading